Nanbantei of Tokyo at Glorietta 3

I really love Japanese food so last night I invited Tessa, my food buddy, to try some Japanese barbeque. I really wanted some Tonkatsu but Mamaison is too expensive! We finally to decided to try Nanbantei. The place looks authentic. The ambiance was great but the temperature was too hot. We were kinda sweating. We ordered their best seller Yakitori (grilled meat). It costs PhP800+. We also ordered some Maki.

They served us some vegetable sticks with dip as an appetizer. They also have free brown rice tea that is similar to North Park's tea. The tea is sugar-free and bitter! I like bitter teas.


Here are the rest of my pictures. All were shot using Sony Alpha a500 and 35mm f1.8 lens.

We were not able to eat all the yakitori because the servings are big. We just took them home. The food was very delicious and we will definitely come back.
