My New Portrait Lens: Tamron 60mm f2

I was surfing the some internet forums this week and I learned that Digital Walker Rockwell and Greenbelt branches are currently having a super sale event from July 15, 2013 to August 17, 2013. As per the forum, this is not just a normal sale because most of the items are 60% off! (Yes! You heard it right!). I was so overjoyed because the Sony NEX cameras were on sale for 50%.

I went straight to Greenbelt after work but the staff told me that most of the NEX cameras were already sold! (Grrrr!!!!). Sony NEX-5ND was the unit I wanted to buy but NEX-C3 is the only one left. Most of the Canon DLSR were also sold during the first day of the event. I was devastated. While looking around the store I saw that Tamron and Tokina lenses were also on sale for 60%...then I saw the Tamron 60mm f/2! It was like love at first sight!

I am really a sucker for wide aperture lenses (f1.2-f2.8). I love creamy bokeh! I love shooting wide open. If I will have one aperture to use it would be f2.

So I actually did not purchase it that day. I am very stingy person and I have this internal deliberation if I am going to buy it or not. I went home and read reviews about it. It has good reviews so I bought it the next day!

Here are some of my real life examples:

This is one of the friendly staff of Digital Walker!
My actual unit:

I went to Toast Box to test it.

I am totally impressed with its creamy bokeh. I will post more sample pics soon.

